POWER FOR NEPAL Odd Hoftun & the History of Hydropower Development
POWER FOR NEPAL Odd Hoftun & the History of Hydropower Development
$ 7.00

Peter Svalheim
Translated by Katherine M. Parent
Pages: x+290, Photos 16
Price: 700 NRS (USD 7) plus postage
ISBN: 978-9937-594-12-7

5 in stock


From the backcover

“Odd Hoftun’s life and work are much more than a calling. In his field, he is a pioneer. Based on Norway’s history and development, he built up the power industry in Nepal in an unparalleled manner. Innovative, committed and determined, he provided power and water to hundreds of thousands of the poor in Nepal, and contributed to pushing the country into the future. His basis was an unshakeable belief in the human ability to help themselves. Hoftun’s life and Nepal’s development are inextricably linked with each other.”
Erik Solheim, former Minister of Environment and Development, Norway

“Odd Hoftun was my boss. While I was familiar with his simplistic life style and never ending work-hours, and the many industries and organizations he helped set up, this book has made me further appreciate Odd’s achievements in Nepal. Those who work in development or in the hydropower sector will enjoy this book. Others should be impacted by Odd’s drive and perseverance even when the results were unknown.”
Kumar Pandey, Independent Power Developer

Weight 500 g