Over the past weekend (9-11 August) we were able to celebrate with the KISC family and friends the past 25 years of KISC’s history. UMN and INF were the co-founders of this innovative project in 1987, which is now run as an Education project of HDCS.Alan and Margaret McIlhenny from N.Ireland, as the founding Principal of KISC, were the special international invitees. Alan gave an inspiring and enjoyable account of the beginnings of KISC and the thinking that went into the whole project. The current CEO, Judith Ellis helped us look ahead to the dreams and plans for KISC’s future and the need to continue complete dependence on God that has characterised KISC right from the start.
The Minister of Physical Planning, Works and transport Management, HonorableHridayeshTripati was the Chief Guest at the formal event on 10 August, and he handed out many long service awards to KISC staff. The evening’s Talent Show let us all see just how much creativity and skill the students and staff (and even some parents!) have.
The final event was a fun afternoon and evening at Godavari Resort which fittingly ended with a time of praise and worship to God.
Congratulations to everyone who made this such a wonderful event.