What makes ‘partnership’ so interesting and rewarding?
UMN works with and through local organisations and NGOs. We work alongside these partners and establish a close and an effective relationships with them, building their organisational and technical capacity.
Three of our partners in Dhading have made us proud by their involvement in disaster response after the ‘quake. The fact that they did so much with other reputed INGOs (without UMN) has proved that their capacity to tap external resources and write funding proposals has grown.
PRAYAS Nepal in partnership with World Education has built 113 Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) so far, and more construction is in progress. Tarps and blankets have also been distributed to 40 Dalit (low caste) households with Restless Nepal and to other villages through Heifer Foundation. Another UMN partner, CIRDS (Chandrajyoti Integrated Rural Development Society) has built 25 TLCs and 8 toilets for 17 schools with AR Japan. They were also able to distribute rice and vegetable seeds to 1200 households through FIAN Nepal. COSOC (Committed Society for Change) has been involved in WASH (Water and Sanitation Hygiene) programmes with various INGOs like UNICEF, Oxfam and IME.
UMN is proud to have worked with these partners and helped them grow strong, so that they can contribute remarkably to society in this way.