Education for all – International Day of Education
Education for all – International Day of Education

Education is not a privilege; it is a human right. UMN and its local partners are making education inclusive and accessible. Through initiatives like Early Childhood Education Development (ECED), community support, digital skill enhancement, teacher and parent training, child-friendly classrooms, and the development of school disaster risk reduction plans, we can ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn in a safe environment.

Let’s look back at a few highlights from UMN’s projects over the past year.

💻 In Kapilvastu, 7 secondary schools received library management support, including extracurricular learning materials and furniture which has benefited 1371 students. Furthermore, 7 computer labs have been set up to enhance the digital skills of 1839 students.

📚 In Nawalparasi, 32 children, who had dropped out, re-enrolled through partnership with the local government.

👥 In Bajhang, 11 child clubs have been established where 238 teachers and community members have volunteered to lead activities on peer interaction and innovative learning, focusing on Early Childhood Education Development.

🌟 In Mugu, the construction of disability-inclusive spaces in schools has helped 113 children continue their education. Also, in Mugum Karmarong Rural Municipality, textbooks for grades 1-3 have been developed in the local language, covering the culture, customs and traditions of the Lama community.

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