Larry Asher: 1941-2024
Larry Asher: 1941-2024

We want to share with our friends the sad news about the passing away of Larry Asher on 12 March at the age of 82. Larry from Kansas, USA, dedicated his working life to the technical education sector in Nepal over a period of 36 years, being highly regarded for his contribution and expertise. He was a pioneer, a tough and capable man. He (and his family) did the “hard yards”. He also loved Alsatian dogs, and they were beautifully trained. He arrived in 1968 and with his wife Phyl served first in Gandaki Boarding School (Pokhara), starting as Agriculture Director then serving as its Principal in the mid-1970s.

Sally Padgett, UMN’s current expatriate coordinator, continues: “Larry Asher had a passion for education. He was instrumental in establishing the Karnali Technical School, Jumla, a lasting testament to his commitment to providing quality education for the youth of Nepal. As its first Principal, he infused the school with his boundless enthusiasm, guiding students towards academic excellence and empowering them with the tools to shape their futures. Later, Larry worked with the Government of Nepal to establish the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT). His tireless efforts and strategic insights helped in shaping part of Nepal’s educational landscape. Larry was held in high regard within education circles, particularly in the Ministry of Education.”

“As we remember and acknowledge Larry’s commitment to Nepal, we join with his family in their sadness at this time of loss and thank God for him.”

A memorial fund is being created for donations to UMN in his memory.

Larry teaching in Jumla in the 1980s, with some snazzy clothes!
Larry teaching in Jumla in the 1980s, with some snazzy clothes!
Comments (6)
  1. Wardell Gareth

    I have fond memories of Larry and Phyl from my years working with UMN in Nepal. This comes with loving greetings to Phyl. May Larry rest in peace and rise in glory.

  2. Sagar Rawal

    My deep condolences to Larry Asher and his family. His contributions to education sector in karnali region is immense. Where can i found more such images from past related to karnali technical school and him?

  3. Aneel Hirachan

    Being your student for a long time cant forget the moments of of school which guided us to become a better human under your supervision , we really miss you sir .

  4. Ingrid Ammitzboell

    Condolences and prayers to Phyl and family on occasion of your farewell to Larry Asher on 12 march 2024. Remembrance of our fellowship at LNC – Ingrid

  5. Ingrid Ammitzboell

    Condolences and prayers to Phyl and family on occasion of your sad farewell to Larry Asher on 12 March 2024. Remembrance of our fellowship at Lalitpur Nursing Campus – Ingrid

  6. Surendra K Gautam

    My heartfelt condolence and pray to Phyl and Family remembering Larry. I have many wonderful memories with Larry during 1995-1997 when he used to visit CTEVT in regular. His contribution to Technical Education in Nepal is always memorable.

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