Relief distribution to flood survivors
Relief distribution to flood survivors
UMN provided relief support to the victims of the recent flood in Kapilvastu and Rupandehi. Soon after the flood, District Disaster Relief Committee (DDRC) called an emergency meeting to all interested local level organisations and set a standard list for food and non-food item distribution. UMN in partnership with Kapilvastu Institutional Development Committee (KIDC), distributed relief items to 200 households in Kapilvastu and 19 households in Ruapandehi. The farmers of these villages have been left with very little as their crops have also been washed away by the damaging flood. Each family received: 10 kg rice, 2 kg pulses, a packet of salt, 2 kg beaten rice, 1 litre cooking oil, and a bed sheet, a mosquito net and 2 foam mattresses.
Pargawati Harijan Chamar, 60, lost her husband five months ago. At the time of the flood last week, this lonely widow was cooking her food. When the flood entered her village, she had to leave everything and run away to an elevated area. She has practically lost everything. This poor lady was more than happy to receive the relief materials distributed by UMN.

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