Together for peace
Together for peace
Youth representatives from Pakistan and Nepal gathered today at UMN Thapathali office to learn and share issues of peace process, interfaith harmony and ways they can better collaborate in promoting peace. Seven Pakistani participants from Community World Service (CWS) Asia and nine Nepali Interfaith Peace Youth group members of UMN’s partner Community Development Forum (CDF) are participating in this four-day Pakistan Nepal Youth Exchange programme. 
UMN’s Peacebuilding Team Leader Balkumari Gurung welcomed the participants and said, “Young people are forces of change. You have a very key role in promoting culture of peace and environment, free of violence and conflict in your communities and societies. I encourage all the youth here to participate and engage fully and make new connections, learn from each other, while sharing your valuable ideas.”

She further explained the objectives of the programme which is to empower themselves by sharing their experiences and engaging in dialogues with key leaders. Also, broadening their vision and developing a deeper understanding to address conflict in different contexts within the region. 
During the sharing and listening session, representatives from Pakistan discussed about the state of their country’s religious and interfaith issues and also different experiences working as a youth for interfaith harmony. Later in the afternoon, they also visited an NGO Youth Action Nepal.  
Their visits in the next three days will include:

Ministry of Youth and Sports to understand how the ministry is working together with the youth in Nepal;
Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction to understand the ministry’s involvement in the peace process of Nepal, its past role and future strategies;

Different religious spots, such as Pashupatinath,mosque, Kirat temple, church and Swayambhunath.

“May the next three days from today be engaging with meaningful learning and fruitful experience for all of us,” shared Balkumari Gurung. In 2012, Nepali participants from CDF went to Pakistan in a similar programme and this is the second visit of the participants from (CWS) Asia to Nepal.

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