Promoting better health care
Promoting better health care
I am Chandra Kala Magar. I am 28 years old and live in a remote village named Pachakanya. Three years ago there wasn’t any health services in my village. We had to walk for around two hours just to get to a health post. We had no idea about basic health issues and were dependent on traditional healers. Another choice for treatment was a hospital in Dharan city but it was very expensive. We considered this option only if somebody had serious illness and if the treatment was not possible in the health post.
Things started to change for better when Sundar Samaj Nirman Samuha(SSNS) started working in our village and organised various awareness programmes related to sanitation, maternal and child health, nutrition and family planning. I was also fortunate to get the opportunity to participate in these programmes and became aware of the monthly outreach clinics of SSNS. Through the program, the community people, especially women became aware about basic health care and treatment. We went there for health checkups, to get basic medicines if needed and also counseling on antenatal care, postnatal care, nutrition and other health problems.
About a year ago I became pregnant but it was difficult to travel to the hospital so I went to the clinic for my checkups and received good care and counseling. I went for my antenatal check ups regularly, took my iron tablets, de-worming capsule and maintained a balance diet and took some rest as well.
I discussed with family members about the preparation of safe delivery at the birthing center located at Chhatachowk Dharan. Also, Kopila Samudayik Sastha gave me NRP 10,000 (USD 94) from the health revolving fund. This helped me to cover the hospital and delivery expenses. 
I had a normal delivery and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. During my postnatal checkup, the health worker educated me about the importance of immunization for babies. I have therefore not missed any date for the baby’s vaccine. I had a very safe experience during my delivery and I really hope other women of my village will also be able to experience this.  I am so thankful to SSNS for getting this kind of service to our village

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