“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.â€
Proverbs 31:8-9
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
This week we will be together in Thapathali to express thanks and bid farewell to Dr Olak Jirel on his retirement. Give praise to God for the 40 years of faithful service Dr Olak has given to UMN and our medical work.
In Rukum the Safeguarding workshop for cluster and partner organisations’ executive committees and staff from 23 -26 July 2022 went well. Also the ABLE Project Evaluation and field visit work went well.
Our ongoing prayer needs remain relevant and pressing. Please continue to pray for the visa application process for expat staff. Pray also for all efforts to resolve the Thapathali property dispute so that UMN would be free from uncertainty about future use of our offices.
Please uphold Dhana and the leadership team in your prayers as together they seek to develop future plans and strategies for UMN. They need clear guidance and help from above in all they are doing.
Please pray for the new Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project proposal in Bajhang which has been submitted to supporting partner Cordaid last week for approval.
In Rukum, please pray for the logistic management and communications for upcoming Sangsangai training, Integral Mission and Transforming Masculinities orientation to Bhume, Putha Uttaraganga and Sisne Rural Municipalities. Please pray for Jiwan Rai, Radhika Giri and Rajendra Poudyal who will be travelling in Rukum in the coming weeks.
Please pray for Avinaya Shah, Cheli Gurung, Susan Rai and Parsuram Karkee returning to Kathmandu on 27 July after completion of the Safeguarding workshop and activity-based learning project evaluation.
Please pray for the involvement of Prem Singh Shintan, Rukum Cluster Team and partner NPAF in the process of school selection for the ‘Education Area of Excellence’ project.
In Nawalparasi, pray for the successful completion of two days ‘Do No Harm’ workshop for the newly elected representatives and the key staff of Palhinandan RM and Pratappur RM. Also for 4 days of workshop on Participatory action and reflection related to conflict sensitivity. Pray for all the participants and facilitators who will be involved in these workshops.
As this is the monsoon season and many areas in all our clusters are subject to flooding and landslide. Please pray for the safety and protection of community people and our own staff who need to travel in these areas.
All cluster teams and partner staff are involved in the preparing annual/semi-annual reports at this time. This is important in showing our funding partners that our work is progressing. It takes a great deal of time and care. Please pray for all involved in these tasks.
Please pray for Yub Raj Acharya who has now taken over as Hospital Services Office Director and also Dr Roshan Kharel the new Hospital Director at Okhaldhunga. Pray for them as they adjust and learn about their new responsibilities.
COVID has returned to Tansen, affecting both hospital staff and patients. Pray for the safety of all the staff, for those that need to work more to cover absences and for a return to health quickly for those affected.
United Mission Hospital Tansen is searching for another general surgeon and an orthopaedic surgeon. Pray that these posts can be filled and those carrying an extra load will be strengthened.