It is imperative for elders to ensure the safety and wellbeing of
children and that they grow in a safe and supportive environment. To bring this
issue in light, a one-day interactive orientation was held on 30 November at
Shree Bulke Secondary School, Rupandehi to aware School Management Committee
(SMC), Parents Teachers Association (PTA), teachers and students about child
rights and child protection.
The orientation discussions were on child rights and protection,
child abuse, reporting mechanism, investigation process and the need and
importance of child protection policy in an organisation (school).
During the orientation, one of the teachers shared a child abuse
case in a school which was not managed well due to lack of reporting mechanism and
also to save the reputation of the school and the teacher.
After the orientation, the participants made plans to develop child protection management committees in schools
to rightly address issues of child abuse or violation of their human
orientation was organised by UMN’s partner NASSO and facilitated by Pandav
Rasaili, Programme Officer of UMN. There
were 23 participants including 11 teachers, five from PTA/SMC and seven child
club members.