Several years ago, a community in Rupandehi had a DREAM. They wanted to reclaim Buddha Lake, which had been taken over by a business man. Traditionally, they had fished in the lake, but now it was out of bounds. UMN and its partner Bhrikuti Community Learning Centre (BCLC) worked on behalf of the community to get the lake returned to them. Eventually they were successful, and a community-based fishery project benefiting 274 households was established. It was called DREAM – Development through Resource Allocation and Management.
Fish harvests were used by the community for various small development projects, including the establishment of community groups. The groups formed a co-operative to manage the project and distribute the profits. UMN and BCLC continued to support the co-operative, building up its skills.
At last, on January 10, the DREAM project was officially handed over to the Buddha Jana Kalyan Agriculture Co-operative. From now on, the co-operative will handle the fish lake management and distribute the bonus and benefits to the beneficiaries. 278 women each received a share worth NRP 1000 from the cooperative, as well as NRP 773 per person as a bonus.
It all goes to show that DREAMS really can come true.