International Youth Day
International Youth Day
On International Youth Day today we are happy to share some of our stories of achievements. Here is a short news from Dhading and a video from Kapilvastu through which we see that youth have a great potential to generate positive changes in the society. 
For the very first time women and adolescent girls from seven teams in Dhading geared up on the field to play a football match. Some 750 residents of Thakre participated in the two-day event held in March. The tournament was organised by UMN and its partner Chandrajyoti Integrated Rural Development Society (CIRDS), in collaboration with the local government, Youth Council and numerous local organisations, as a part of the campaign to raise awareness and disseminate messages on gender-based violence, child marriage, child labour, anti-human trafficking and women empowerment. 
A group of three sisters whose team won the competition shared, “A country that wants to ensure a better tomorrow has to make sure to give girls and boys a chance to study and innovate. This cannot be achieved if they marry during childhood, not to mention the health risks associated with child marriage, especially for girls. So, I am thankful to the organisers for raising awareness through such pioneering approach.”

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