How to make and assign your UMN email signature
How to make and assign your UMN email signature


Go to and fill in your details. You don’t have to include your extension number or mobile number if you would rather these were not included in your email signature.


When you click GENERATE it will take you to a new web page where you can see your generated signature. Please check that all the details are correct (if there are any mistakes go back and do it again). Once complete, select all (Ctrl+A) copy to your clipboard (Ctrl+C).


Open Outlook in Office 365 ( and make sure you’re logged in to your email account.


Click on the options wheel (top right) to bring up your settings, then select Email from left menu. Select Compose & Reply from the Submenu. Click on the new signature (if not created before) and paste your signature into the box (Ctrl+V), making sure to first delete any existing signature that you have. Then select the two options as shown to include your signature in emails you reply to and forward, as well as compose, and click Save.

Congratulations! You now have a very smart looking UMN corporate email signature that follow our corporate guidlines. This will be attached to any emails you send from the future.

Any problems, please contact Communications or ITS for further help.