Shirjanshil Child Club was established in 2008 in Pachkanya Village. It has 27 active members, a mix of Dalits (low caste), ethnic groups and other castes.
This has been a very active Child Club from the beginning. The group conducts regular weekly meetings, and discusses new ideas. It raises its own funds, so is sustainable.
Due to the regular monitoring provided by UMN’s partner Sundar Samaj Nirman Samuha (SSNS), the Club has successfully carried out some creative plans. It cleans up the local road every week. From time to time, it organises dramas and celebration days to spread social messages in the community. It is developing a Child Rights information centre in that village. They have been able to collect NRS 25000 (AUD 330) from local resources for street lights, and put 15 containers for rubbish in their village.
Their parents say the children have done significant work, but they aren’t finished yet! In order to develop the skills of members, the Child Club has made an agreement with a computer institute in the nearby town of Dharan, where 25 members are learning advanced computer and language. They have arranged a 25% discount of the fees, and are preparing to publish a three-monthly magazine for children, coordinating with a local newspaper.
This Club’s name and fame have spread throughout the village, and people see this as a model club. Other Child Clubs learn from this one, as they arrange inter-Child Club exposure visits. In this way, it can be said that this Club has been a strong agent for change in society.