A Family Affair
A Family Affair

Seventeen people are a lot to provide for! Paruli and UjiteSarki always struggled to support their three sons. Now that their sons are married and have nine children of their own, there are even more mouths to feed. Fortunately, everyone helps out during busy times on the land, even the youngsters.

The family used to produce wheat and barley, but they’ve found a much more lucrative crop – vegetables – thanks to UMN’s Enhancing Livelihoods project. Paruli is a member of the Banthpala Female Farmers’ Group, and received invaluable training in how to grow vegetables. Now tomatoes, chilli, squash, cucumber and brinjals (zucchini) grow on their farm. Support from the project included seeds for the new crops, as well as a “plastic tunnel” (greenhouse) and pipe for drip irrigation.

Each season, Paruli and her family have been earning about NRP 150,000 (AUD 1705), which is enough to buy other foods, as well as send the children to school well-equipped with books and stationery.

The three-hour walk to the District Centre to sell vegetables is well worth while. And everyone helps carry the crop – even the youngsters.

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