40 days of prayer for Nepal
40 days of prayer for Nepal

Each year, a special 40 days of prayer for Nepal is organised by the Pray for Nepal Global Network, a group of Nepali Christians and friends of Nepal with a passion to see God transform lives, communities and the nation. This year, the 40 days begins today (18 April).

We’d like to encourage you to join with Christians here in Nepal and all over the world, praying for the country of Nepal and Nepali people, wherever they may be.

Please visit the Prayer for Nepal website www.prayerfornepal.org to find resources, including prayer notes and a poster.

Here are some things that you can do.

  1. PRAY. Commit to spending a little time in prayer  for Nepal each day for the next 40 days.
  2. SHARE. Try to get some prayer points for Nepal into your church bulletin or prayer letter, prayer chain or e-prayer list.
  3. PROMOTE. Print off the poster and put it up in your church. Send the Prayer for Nepal website link to others. Encourage others to pray in home fellowship groups, churches, etc.

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