If you stop by UMN’s office in Thapathali just now, you’ll find a very large green panel pinned to a board in the reception area. It’s a huge cheque – both in size and in value. Yeti Airlines recently have just over NRP 400,000 to UMN as part of its corporate social responsibility programme.
“UMN really appreciates Yeti Airlines’ generosity,” said David McConkey, who accepted the cheque on UMN’s behalf. “It’s great to see a local company supporting local initiatives to relieve poverty and work for social change.”
Yeti gives NRP 1 per ticket to each of four organisations involved in development work in Nepal, including UMN. The company also donates NRP 20 per ticket on certain routes to a tree-planting project in western Nepal. As UMN shares Yeti’s concern for environmental sustainability, we allocate the funds we receive to projects with an environmental impact – currently, the installation of improved cooking stoves which reduce firewood use.