Farewell, Interns!
Farewell, Interns!

It’s always sad to say “Good-bye” to our interns, after having them with us for a whole year. They contribute so much to UMN – through their skills, their youthful enthusiasm, and their cheerful willingness to do whatever is asked. And it’s tremendously rewarding to see their growth during that time, both professionally and spiritually.

Last Friday, we farewelled our 2014 group, wishing them God’s blessings as they go out “like birds from the nest”, as one intern put it. UMN’s Integral Mission Adviser, Rajendra Poudyal, encouraged them to “Go, Grow and Glow.” And we’re confident that they’ll do just that.

These ten young people now join the ranks of UMN Intern Alumni – more than 60 young Nepali Christians who have spent a year with us, and who are now working or studying in NGOs, churches and colleges, mainly in Nepal.

Please pray for them as they begin the next phase of their journey.

To learn more about UMN’s Internship Programme, click here.

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