Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa (Friends Service), an NGO working for people living with disability, is filled with children of different sizes at the moment, and one can hear lots of laughter and loud voices. Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa supports and cares for people who come from remote parts of Nepal to Kathmandu for medical treatment. It provides help in negotiating the health system, temporary accommodation for patients and their families, and counseling and advice.
UMN brought 11 children with disabilities from Bajhang District to Kathmandu with their guardians last week for treatment. They are staying in Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa’s accommodation, and most of them are scheduled for treatment next week. Some have already been sent to the hospital for their operations. There are several cases of club foot, burns, and a spinal cord injury. All are happy with the love and service they are receiving at Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa, and look forward to meeting their doctors.
Please pray for successful treatment and a quick recovery for these young people.