Medical Teams International
Medical Teams International
Medical Teams International is a new partner for UMN. A team from MTI has travelled to the end of the road in North Dhading, and today will be walking up into areas that have no road access. They will be carrying all their equipment with them, as well as their own survival needs.
MTI reports that about 80% of buildings have been destroyed in the villages they have come across. There is a Health Post in the village they are heading for, but no-one knows its condition. To make matters worse, it has been raining, so the paths are slippery and wet and conditions for people without homes very miserable. A suitable landing place for a helicopter will be identified, in case there are people with severe injuries who will need to be evacuated.
Please continue to pray for UMN and its partners as they respond to this emergency.
Click here to visit Medical Teams International’s website.
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