The three-day UK Nepal Conference (1-3 October 2010), was jointly organised by INF UK and UMN at The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire. Around 170 people attended this conference, including supporters and mission workers of INF and UMN, representatives from several Mission organisations around the world, along with other people interested in mission in Nepal and the Nepali diasporas.
Marcus and Suzanne Walton were there too.
Marcus says: “Attending and taking part in the UK conference was a real encouragement for both Suzanne and I. It was great to meet some amazing UMN / INF workers from the past and present, who together with all others attending, still carry a burden of care for Nepal. The whole event was focussed around prayer, worship and hearing testimony of God’s work and of answered prayer. Much was shared about UMN’s and INF’s on going work amongst Nepali people inside and out of Nepal with Suzanne Walton leading a session looking at UMN’s health work and myself, Marcus jointly leading sessions with Joe Campbell looking at our ongoing peacebuilding work.”
Perhaps a best summary of the conference is given by Shyam, a new Nepali Christian who attended the conference:
‘It was an amazing experience for me. This was the first time for me in such a Nepali Holistic conference. I am blessed after meeting and seeing your love for the welfare of Nepal and Nepali people. You all have done an amazing work for the people of Nepal.Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! Thank you Lord!!!’