We have so many beautiful stories of how UMN hospitals were able to provide timely help to patients who had come to us during lockdown with life-threatening conditions. Here is one we want to share with you from United Mission Hospital Tansen.
It was early June. The lockdown was still in full swing, and the only transport available were reserved ambulances, which were not cheap. Out in Gulmi (a neighbouring district with Tansen), a 28-year-old man suddenly fell ill with a fever and stroke like symptoms. He was paralysed on his right side and couldn’t speak or swallow.
It took a couple of days for his family to arrange to get him to the hospital, and fortunately, he was brought to Tansen Hospital. He was seen in the Emergency Room and quickly admitted to the medical ward.
The medical unit and the physio staff worked hard with him daily. Thankfully, within a couple of days, he regained his ability to swallow, but it took him several weeks to learn to walk again. Also, initially, he hadn’t been able to even understand what was said to him – but that also improved greatly during his six weeks of hospital stay.
However – if Tansen Hospital had not been open and available for him to come to, he would likely have died, either from the infection or from another worse stroke.
Thank you, our brave and committed hospital staff, our prayer partners and other friends who have so far provided funds to help our hospitals continue to serve people in need from all around the hospital area!