Baseri VDC has become the second VDC in Dhading District to declare itself an Indoor Smoke-Free Zone.
There’s an old song that goes “When your heart’s on fire, smoke gets in your eyes.” Stinging, watery eyes is a common experience for Nepali women, simply because they cook the family’s meals on open fires inside poorly-ventilated houses. The smoke causes eye and skin infections, lung disease, and even terrible burn injuries when babies or toddlers get too close to the fire.
UMN has been promoting Improved Cooking Stoves for many years, both to address the health problems of smoky kitchens, and to reduce the consumption of forest timber for environmental reasons. With timber use reported as up to 60% less than previously, the stoves also save women a lot of time in wood collection. Women say that the stoves cook faster and more evenly than an open fire.
UMN’s partner COSOC, with local and VDC support, has been implementing the Baseri Rural Development Project. As a result, 805 households out of 847 have installed locally-made Improved Cooking Stoves. Cleaner kitchens, better health, and a chance for the forest to recover – it’s a win all round!