World AIDS Day is a crucial reminder of the ongoing need to prevent new HIV infections and ensure vital services reach everyone living with HIV worldwide. Read how UMN is providing hope and care to those in need.
Looking forward to the future
12 years ago, Anita, was diagnosed with HIV after caring for her in-laws, who died from the disease. A year later, her husband left for India and has been out of contact for the past 11 years.
Economic hardships compelled her children to drop out of school. Her two sons left for India to work whereas Anita and her daughter engaged in daily wage labour, whenever Anita’s health permitted. Overcome with despair, she tried to end her life multiple times, however, the thought of her children kept her going. She feels grateful that her children are free from HIV.
With the help of CEAD Nepal, UMN’s local partner, Anita participated in an HIV and AIDS session which helped her gain valuable knowledge about managing her health. Additionally, she received five female goats for income. Anita also regularly visits the hospital every three months for health checkups and to collect her medication.
Now, Anita is looking forward to the future and hopes to expand her goat farming business. “I want to support my family better and manage my health expenses,” Anita shared.