UMN works in addressing human trafficking and promoting safe migration through different projects.
Just recently in Nawalparasi District, through the coordination on the local government, local police and the Child Rights Committee, two adolescent girls (age 15, 16) were rescued and dropped off at the police station for their protection and safe return to their homes. But very sadly, two other girls were trafficked across the border to India (age 10, 11). Both cases were investigated by the police.
Prakash Sunuwar, who leads the SCRIP project of UMN in Nawalparasi says, “We were deeply saddened by the news and immediately collaborated with UMN’s Child Rights Committee to offer our support. Thankfully, the two girls have now returned and we are making arrangements, to send them to Kathmandu (child help line centre #1098) for their studies, as their families are unable to support them financially. We press on in our commitment to ending human trafficking and educating the community on these crucial issues to protect vulnerable children.”