Purna Kumari Tiwari is 39 years old and living in Pokharithok, Maidi VDC in Dhading. She comes from a financially weak family. They have few land which is only enough to feed the family members for three months. Purna and her husband were working to earn their daily wages. They built a small house by collecting money and through some loan. But after one month of living in that house, her husband committed suicide (reason is unknown).
Her life became very difficult after that period. A mother of small children, she had to take all the responsibilities of providing care and education for her children. There was no other source of income. Furthermore, she had to pay back loan which was taken for house construction. Due to all the pressure, she was unable to sleep at night as she was tensed. She complained about the numbness in her feet and hands and a piercing kind of pain in her whole body, fast heartbeat, anorexia among others. She was unable to take care of her children and came to her maiti (mother’s home). Her mother being too worried about the condition of her daughter took her to Maidi Health Post. After checking her symptoms, she was diagnosed with anxiety. She was provided with free medicine to treat anxiety.
After that, she also got involved in trauma healing group. After participating in different sessions of trauma healing and taking medicines, her condition improved after two months. She also looked for support from group, so the group decided to give revolving fund of NPR 10,000 (USD 97) to her. She then started a canteen in Golden Future Boarding School in Maidi. Now she is earning NPR 15,000 (USD 146) per month and is able to support her family. Furthermore, as a regular member of the group she saves NPR 30 (USD 0.29) in the group per month. She is happy and thanked UMN’s implementing partner Jagat Jyoti Community Development Centre (JCDC) and UMN for support.