World Water Day
World Water Day
The construction of water supply system with 2000 liter ferro-cement tank and five tap stands in Tawalbeshi village of Ree, Dhading has helped to solve water woes of the community people. For Asha Tamang, this has helped to improve her family’s personal hygiene, livelihood and agricultural related work.

Students of Mahakali Secondary School of Doti now have adequate water supply. Recently UMN with its partner CEAD helped to install water taps and buy water tanks for the school. Earlier they had to go to the nearby shops to get drinking water.

After a break out of cholera in the villages of Thankre and Naubise of Dhading, UMN from its relief fund helped to improve the water source of this area by building a secure drinking water canal. There hasn’t been any case of cholera after this construction.

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