Prayer Points – August 17
Prayer Points – August 17
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, UMN invites all people of prayer to set aside time daily to ask for God’s help in our work in Nepal. The time suggested for UMN staff is 3.00 pm. For our friends around the world, we ask that you join us either at the equivalent time in your country of 3 pm Nepal time, or whenever you are able. Many have found setting a daily alarm on their phone a useful reminder. 
Thank you for your fellowship in prayer.
Joel Hafvenstein 

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
(Colossians 4:2) 
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Major Matters for Prayer
  • Please pray for a positive outcome to UMN’s ongoing negotiations with the government over our Agreement renewals and the Thapathali property.
  • Debbie Dornon from Tansen Hospital fell and broke her leg and had surgery on Friday, 14 August. Pray for her quick recovery, and for safety as we walk on very slippery paths. Also a woman in Tansen applying to get a travel pass, had a routine PCR test which came back positive. The District Administrative Office and COVID-19 Crisis Management Center has now sealed the ward in the Bazaar where she lives.  This is the first “local” case as all other (over 500) cases previously in Palpa were among returning migrant workers. The hospital is well outside the sealed area but please pray that there will be no further local transmission.
  • Pray for the external audit of Okhaldhunga Hospital being carried out at UMN Thapathali and pray for the safety of Buddha Shrestha who is coming for the audit purpose. Also, Pray for the recruitment process of Resident Medical Officer and Medical Post Graduate in General Practice, that the leadership group will be clearly guided. Pray for the safety of staff members.
  • Pray about the difficult decisions that must be taken regarding all clusters as they have been planning to re-open offices. Evacuation/Hibernation plans are in place. However in recent days infections have increased markedly, and safe travel back to clusters with longer stays away from family may not be a reasonable risk at this time. Ask the Lord to make the right decisions obvious and give the strength to take those steps.
  • Pray for all local partners, for their staff safety as some of them are out in the field. All must follow the Health & Safety measures as the Infection has been increasing across the country.

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