Prayer Points – May 24
Prayer Points – May 24
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, UMN invites all people of prayer to set aside time daily to ask for God’s help in our work in Nepal. The time suggested for UMN staff is 3.00 pm. For our friends around the world, we ask that you join us either at the equivalent time in your country of 3 pm Nepal time, or whenever you are able. Many have found setting a daily alarm on their phone a useful reminder. 
Thank you for your fellowship in prayer.
Joel Hafvenstein 

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
(James 5 v16) 
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Major Matters for Prayer
  • Nepal continues to suffer from the pandemic. The following figures give some insight to the extent of the problem. On Saturday there were over 8500 new cases and 129 recorded deaths. (It is widely believed that the number of deaths is higher than official figures) On Sunday there were over 1700 patients in intensive care, 484 of them on ventilators. In the country there are just 4 critical care beds per 100,000 people. Just over 7% of the population has received a first vaccination. The need for prayer is obvious.
  • In many places it is reported that people are being turned away from hospitals or treated outdoors. In response many community groups including Churches have opened isolation centres where sick people can receive basic help and support as they recover. Pray for these groups who are sacrificing to do all they can.
  • All of our cluster areas have been affected. Kapilbastu and Nawalparasi on the Terai have struggled the most, but even in the hilly areas there have been great problems. Please pray for all our cluster team leaders who are urgently working to procure PPE, oxygen concentrators and cylinders for local hospitals and health posts in the next few days. Pray for team members as they engage with and support partners during the distribution.
  • Please continue in prayer for all those in leadership in UMN – at our hospitals and the Leadership Team in Thapathali. All of the issues which have been included in prayer updates in recent months are still relevant for your prayers. We thank the Lord for the answers which have come – but there remains so much more to do.
  • Please pray for those members of our staff who continue to suffer from Covid. Also for spiritual and physical strength to UMN staff who need to engage in relief work in this emergency. Pray for Naba Raj and his family, he is in Kapilvastu and all his family members have been infected, they are in Kathmandu, it is worrying but grateful that they have mild symptoms and on the way to recovery. Pray for Parsu Ram Karkee as he is been tested as COVID positive and is in home isolation.
  • Pray for Susan and her family for strength and comfort for she has lost her father-in-law on Friday and the funeral is today.

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