“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.â€
Psalm 82v2-4
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
We are very grateful to God and our Prayer Partners for a fruitful Central Project Advisory Committee Meeting with the Government Officials about the COVID Response Project. It ended with very constructive feedback and encouragement. This had been the first very positive meeting in years.
We also give praise that the Strategic Plan review is progressing very well.
Finally, the Project Agreements are ready to be signed sometime this week.
In Tansen Hospital there is praise that the rotary matching grant for the wastewater system has been approved.
Pray for wisdom and courage for Team Leaders as they take the Strategic Planning Process forward for their respective Teams.
Continue to pray for the ongoing Property dispute on our headquarters. We long to have this long-term issue resolved and be free of the constant threat of legal challenge.
Continue to pray for the complete recovery of Dr Olak, Rabbi, Sagar’s father and Bhagirath’s wife (she has been admitted to hospital).
Preparation for Leadership Team meeting next week.
One more recruitment for a Disaster Response Manager position remains: may we gain a competent staff member.
Dr Rachel Karrach is going for 3 months’ home assignment in UK leaving Tansen on Wednesday 22 June and flying on Friday 24 June. Please pray for Dr Niranjan Sharma who will be taking on responsibility for leading the hospital team, and Jivan Bhattarai and Ganga Jirel as they also share the responsibility. Please also pray for encouragement and refreshment for Rachel as she spends time at home with supporters.
Pray for the obstetric team for our midwives and doctors as they often manage very difficult maternity cases.
In Rukum, please pray for partner staff, Mr Fattya Rijal Pro-ACT project officer and his recovery. He has been receiving treatment at Bir hospital, Kathmandu, since 14 June.
Pray for the new Finance Co-ordinator’s and Project manager’s smooth placement in the Rukum cluster beginning in July.
Please pray for the cluster work and staff safety.