Prayer Priorities – October 11
Prayer Priorities – October 11
“And the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.”
Luke 6:19
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.  
  • Sagar and Bal Kumari attended the Local Capacities for Peace (LCP) Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop in Dubai from 3-8 October organised by LCP South Asia Network for its Coordination Committee members. Thank God for the fruitful meeting and safe travel. 
  • Niki attended Climate Crisis consultation last week in Bangladesh hosted by CCDB. Praise God for the successful meeting and journey mercies
  • We are grateful to God and Social Welfare Council that finally the Final Evaluation of the last Project is going to happen soon. It is a part of the compliance.
  • Let’s continue praying for the control of dengue. As of 11 Oct, it has already claimed 50 lives in Nepal. A total of around 33,000 dengue cases have been identified in Nepal. Pray that the government and concerned medical departments would be able to take ample measures to control and prevent this.
  • General elections will be held in Nepal on 20 November 2022 to elect the 275 members of the House of Representatives. Pray for the safe, fair and fearless election so that right people are elected.
  • Integral Development Team is organizing Sangasangai Training of Trainers-1 (SS ToT-1) from 31st Oct to 3rd Nov 2022 for all the 6 UMN clusters in which 3 participants from the churches of each cluster and all the Integral Development focal persons are expected to participate. Pray for the rest of the preparations to be done and for the success of the training.
  • Please pray for The Final Project Evaluation Team, Kshitij, Cluster staff and local partner organisations as they engage in the evaluation, which phased out in 2020.
  • Pray for Clusters’ and Hospitals’ Leadership meetings this week for discernment and wisdom as they discuss and make decisions.
  • One of the main Organsational events; the Learning Review and Bhetghat, where the whole organisation comes together for learning and sharing, is at the final stage and happening next whole week after two years. Please pray for the organising committee, travel and health safety and for the success.
  • Please pray for our staff for many of them have been suffering and also recovering from Covid and Dengue infection.
  • Please also pray for the flood and landslide affected people and communities, they have lost lives, houses, livelihoods and also crops. May the government and organisations like us be instrumental in supporting them. The country, esp. the mid and western Nepal have been affected badly by heavy monsoon last week.
Cluster Work
  • Please pray for the cluster staff as they travel to Kathmandu to participate in UMN’s Learning Review and Bhetghat program from 16-21 Oct 2022.
Tansen Hospital
  • Dengue and Covid are still causing brief but intense sickness for many people, including staff and their families. Please pray for those people suffering from these problems for quick recovery and return to health and work.
  • The festival season sees an increase in problems that are caused by excess alcohol consumption – problems that are not just physical but social and emotional. Pray for those caring for those affected.
  • Many visitors from overseas will visit Tansen Hospital this month, some returning to renew old friendships, others for the first time. Pray for their safe travels and that they will be inspired and encouraged by the hospital and its history.
  • Pray for our busy emergency department, as it seeks ways to become more efficient at seeing the sickest first, where immediate care will make a big difference.

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