Ram Deuja’s grandfather passed away last week. Please pray for the family and departed soul.
Bharat Magar is not well, pray for quick recovery.
Laxmi will be having her piles treatment, pray for recovery.
Mahila, as he is recovering from some problem on his face.
Jasmine, Dr. Olak’s wife has been advised to have coronary angiogram by the cardiologist. She will see the cardiologist next Monday and the procedure will be on Wednesday. Pray for Jasmine and family.
Tansen is facing water shortage. Pray for rain.
The staff who are based across the Terai area for their protection and good health during the hot climate.
Ongoing project agreement process.
Court hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, pray that the hearing could actually take place and a just decision would be taken.
Safety and protection of staff as they travel to and from cluster and other places.
Wisdom and guidance for all planned works and activities.