Improving the health and wellbeing of rural communities, particularly women and children, through integrated health programmes.
1. Maternal and Child Health
We work with Health Mothers' Groups, Female Community Health Volunteers and health workers in increasing knowledge and access to maternal and child health services. We address barriers to accessing services as well as support local health facilities in providing quality maternal and child health services.
2. Family Planning
We work with rural health facilities to improve the quality and coverage of family planning services so that couples have access and options to choose from. We engage men to be partners in family planning and empower women to be involved in family planning decision making.
3. WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene)
UMN works in improving the WASH at schools and health facilities, promoting gender and disability-friendly designs in the process. We promote community sanitation as well as key behaviours like handwashing, use of safe water, proper use of toilet and food hygiene. We promote menstrual hygiene including the use of washable and reusable pads in communities and schools.
4. Nutrition
Malnutrition rates remain alarming in Nepal. We promote production as well as consumption of locally available nutritious foods in communities as well as schools. We screen undernourished children from birth to age five in communities and educate and demonstrate feeding practices for mothers and caregivers.
5. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH)
We capacitate adolescent girls and boys on sexual and reproductive health and rights through peer education and school ASRH programmes. We support local health facilities and build the capacity of health workers to enable them to manage adolescent-friendly health services.
6. Mental Health
We help integrate mental health services into existing local health care systems by building the capacity of local health facility staff in mental and psycho-social health. We work towards reducing stigma and increasing awareness and right understanding of mental health.
7. Health System Strengthening
We work with Health Facility Operation and Management Committees in strengthening quality health services of local health facilities. We promote accountability and good governance in local health systems.