Food for 501 families
Food for 501 families

Single women, people with disabilities, members of the Chepang community (a marginalised ethnic group), Dalits (so-called low caste) and daily wage workers were selected in cooperation with the local government to receive food support for their families in Dhading. After the Covid-19 lockdown hit Nepal we were unable to continue many of our planned activities. But our supporting partners were willing to re-direct funds towards emergency food relief. In Nilkantha, Gajuri and Benighat Rorang Municipalities of Dhading, our local partner Dhading Christian Society (DCS) helped to co-ordinate the planning of this food relief for 501 of the poorest families, in consultation with the local government. Local churches and DCS added some of their own funds to the food relief, so in total 530 families were reached.

Each household received 30kg of rice – enough to last one month. This assistance would also encourage people to stay at home during lockdown rather than seeking work because of hunger, thereby reducing the risk of spreading coronavirus.

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