Mia Voreland has gone Home
Mia Voreland has gone Home

We are very sad to inform our friends about Mia Voreland’s passing away early Monday morning on 13
August, 2018. Mia had been fighting cancer for some time and her health rapidly
got worse during the last couple of weeks. Her husband Asbjørn informed
that the family was gathered when she left this earth and that she left in
peace with the knowledge that she was going home to Jesus. The funeral will take place at
Vennesla Frikirke, Tuesday, 21 August. 

The Vorelands came to Nepal from
Norway in 1964 and started their mission work as teachers in Gorkha Project. They
were in Nepal for many years serving in various roles. They also served in KISC
as hostel parents. Towards the end of their time in Nepal Mia served as the Church
Liaison Officer in UMN in 1993.

Joel Hafvenstein, Executive Director of UMN writes, Asbjørn and Mia served as boarding parents at KISC in
the late 1980s, when I was a student living there.  She changed so many
lives, including mine, through her love, faith, and care.  It was a
poignant joy to visit Mia in Vennesla a month ago, for what we both knew was
probably the last time in this old fallen creation.  She remained full of
life and passion for the work of the church in Nepal, and I knew she was
upholding us in prayer to the end.  My prayers and love are with
Asbjørn and the many other people around the world who
are grieving Mia’s passing—and, like me, thanking God for her life.”

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