UMN and the International Nepal Fellowship (INF) jointly established Medical Supplies Department (MSD) as a project in Kathmandu in the late 80s to ensure supply of necessary medical equipment and drugs in a cost effective way to their hospitals in remote areas. At a time when there were inadequate medical suppliers in the country, this was a unique initiative not only in Nepal but in the South Asian region. In time, this became a financially self supporting institution.
In early 2004, a group of UMN staff members established Medical Services Management Trust Nepal (MSMT-Nepal) as an NGO and submitted a proposal to UMN. MSMT was one of the many organizations who submitted their proposals to take on MSD. After careful evaluation of the proposals, UMN decided to handover MSD to this newly established organization.
Being a ‘not for profit’ organization, MSMT does not intend to make profit out of its business, but has started using its operating surpluses in social welfare activities as identified by its management committee.
MSMT is now picking up as per the mission/objectives based on which it has been providing essential high quality drugs, medical and surgical equipment at affordable cost. It has also been rendering consultancy services in the area of pharmaceutical information, inventory control and store management to non profit health care providers. Its unique service to the patients in the remote rural areas is reflected in the fact that over 90% of its supplies go to the mission hospitals and other health institutions outside Kathmandu Valley. Its service is exemplary for a country like Nepal where access to affordable and quality medical supplies still remains a question in most rural parts.