Prayer Points – July 10
Prayer Points – July 10
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, UMN invites all people of prayer to set aside time daily to ask for God’s help in our work in Nepal. The time suggested for UMN staff is 3.00 pm. For our friends around the world, we ask that you join us either at the equivalent time in your country of 3 pm Nepal time, or whenever you are able. Many have found setting a daily alarm on their phone a useful reminder. 
Thank you for your fellowship in prayer.
Joel Hafvenstein 

“In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
(Psalm 5:3) 
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Major Matters for Prayer
  • Okhaldhunga Hospital is receiving its first COVID-19 positive cases this week, transferred in by order of the district government.  This has caused significant alarm in Sobru, where the hospital is located.  After discussions with representatives of Sobru community and government, we have agreed to put up a solid fence between our isolation ward and the rest of the community.  Please pray for staff and neighbours to be protected from the virus, and for freedom from fear.
  • Covid-19 continues to spread across Nepal, with over 16,500 infections. The death rate has not yet risen in the way it has in other countries; to date there have been 35 deaths and 3652 recoveries. Let’s continue to pray that Nepal will be spared the worst of this pandemic. Please pray for all medical personnel who work in bringing help and healing to the sick.
  • Please pray for UMN Staff Care and Support. There have been many pressures upon everyone in these months from the pandemic, the lockdown, financial and family pressures. In addition UMN has ended some staff jobs early, and next week thirteen more of our colleagues will be leaving. This is hard for them and for those who remain. A small team of expats and Nepalis has been organised to offer support, care and advice to any of our staff who are finding difficulties. Pray that this will be a help and that the team members will be compassionate listeners and wise advisors.
  • Monsoon-related disasters are a major matter for prayer just now. In UMN’s Bajhang Cluster, hundreds of people have been displaced by landslides; some are still cut off and awaiting relief. This monsoon season is now considered the deadliest in 11 years with more than 60 lives lost due to landslide, destruction of property and flooding. If there is anything to be thankful for in this – it is that the locust plague has been greatly reduced due to rain.
  • In the next couple of weeks the English book on ‘Integral Mission’ which UMN and Micah Nepal published nearly three years ago will be reprinted. This is a book explaining the theology of why Christians should be active in community service. It has been widely used, and we ask your prayers that this new edition will also bring strength and good advice to Churches seeking to act as salt and light in their neighbourhoods.

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