“Obey them not only to win their favour when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.â€
Ephesians 6:6
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Give thanks to the Lord that Okhaldhunga Hospital had a blessed and fruitful time during the planning workshop last week.
Praise God for the successful concluding of Communication Training in Kapilvastu by the Communications Team from Thapathali. The participants from both the implementing partners and the cluster colleagues actively participated and learned about writing stories and news and taking photos of UMN’s work
Give thanks to God that joint monitoring visit went well in Mugum Karmarong in Mugu.
Thanks to the Lord, the health promoters for the BICT Doti project have been selected after the second announcement of the vacancies. Please pray that they will understand the project and provide their input effectively and efficiently.
Praise God that Surendra has safely arrived and resumed his work in Doti cluster after his leave.
Praise God for successful completion of Rukum East Cluster and Partners Annual Review Program on 17 Feb 2023.
Praise God for fruitful participation in Outcome and Impact Orientation in Kathmandu which went well.
Praise God for successful completion of Detailed Activities Implementation Plan and Logical Framework orientation to the Partner from Advancing Community Transformation project in Rukum East.
Give thanks to the Lord that the Okhaldhunga Hospital Strategic Planning Process has been completed and we are grateful to Dr. Santhosh Mathew’s support in this regard.
We are grateful that the Board Nominations Committee had its first planning & process meeting successfully.
Praise God for His safety and security while UMN staff travelled in clusters last week.
Praise be to God for the successful staff recruitments process last week.
Thanks be to God for the completion of Annual Performance Review of staff and setting up new Team Goals.
UMN, as per its strategy, is expanding its work in two new clusters in Madhesh and Karnali Provinces. Please pray that God will provide the needed resources for the timely start up and continuation of the work in these new clusters.
Pray for Bishal and Ramnath as they are visiting Nawalparasi and Kapilvastu clusters from 22 Feb to 4 March for project monitoring, Disaster Risk Reduction training and meeting partners and cluster staff.
Give thanks to the Lord for the Mental Health outpatients camp and counselling sessions arranged by the mental health project in Bajhang Cluster last week. A total of 270 people benefited from the camp in Bungal and Thalara.
Let’s continue to pray for Turkey and Syria. Pray for the bereaved families and the people affected by the devastating earthquake and also for the response work.
Please continue to uphold us for expat visa issue, may this be resolved on time with a smooth process. There are also lots of vacant positions for expats, may these be filled on time. It has impacted on our operational works and morale. Please pray for a successful recruitment process.
Continue to pray for UMN’s local partners in all clusters for effective performance, may they serve with integrity.
Please continue to pray for Rabbi for successful treatment and complete healing.
Continue to pray for the resolution of the long-standing property dispute at UMN’s Thapathali headquarters.
Continue to pray for the political leaders and the upcoming Presidential Election, may they all rise for the benefit of nation and its people.
Remember all UMN staff as they constantly travel to and from clusters for work. Pray for safety and security.
Please pray for some staff members for strength, wisdom and rest as they are overloaded with work these days due to various assignments with tight deadlines.
Remember Tansen Hospital team, Dr. Santhosh and Yub Raj as they continue to work on their Strategic plan.
Please pray for Bal Kumari & Sagar as they participate in a workshop abroad, representing UMN.
Cluster Work
Please pray for Avinaya and Parsuram, who are conducting partnership evaluation of an implementing partner in Kapilvastu. Pray for their diligence in doing the review that lays foundation for smooth implementation of projects.
Please pray for a successful visit of Tearfund UK in Kapilvastu Cluster on 22-23rd Feb 2023. They will be visiting the sites and beneficiaries of the TFCR project.
Please continue to pray for the required arrangement of visitors from Cordaid, especially, for the travel safety and fruitful meetings with the project team and beneficiaries of Creating Opportunities for Social and Economic Well-being of Migrants and Disaster Risk Management projects in Bajhang Cluster in March.
Please continue to pray for the Team who is working on a project proposal on Dalit Rights for Bajhang and Kapilvastu clusters. It is a competitive bidding, and the proposal must be submitted by this week.
Please pray for the successful assessment of the project officer-Livelihoods and project inception meeting of the BICT project in Doti.
Please pray for the report writing training for all the cluster and partner staff which will start from coming week, that is, 27th Feb and end on 3rd March in Doti.
Please pray for the visit of Prem Singh Sinthan to Doti. Surendra and Prem will facilitate community consultation events to develop resilient measurement of Children Oriented Resilient Development project in Bogtan.
The partner organization CEAD Nepal, UMN and Sundar Dhoka Sathi Sewa is going to sign a tripartite MOU coming week. Please pray for the successful signing.
Please pray for the safety and security of all the cluster staff for their movements.
Please pray for managers who are preparing annual reports. Pray for wisdom and strength to be upon them.
Please pray for the safe travel of Shiva, Suraj and Krishna to Pelma for Education materials support to Himalaya Basic School, Putha Uttarganga RM-2, Rukum East from Children and Adolescents Led Community Transformation in Nepal (CAN) project and the monitoring of Sustainable Environment and Economic Development project.
Please pray for field visit of Rakshya Niroula and Nabin Chaudhary to the Advancing Community Transformation project area in Rukum.
Please pray for travel of Suraj to Takasera in Rukum East for facilitating Home Stay training to the communiy.
Tansen Hospital
Please pray for the strategic planning workshop on Wednesday and Thursday.
Please pray for our security guards and OPD assistants as they guide patients through our busy outpatient department.
Please continue to pray for the necessary permissions for the use of forestry land for the wate water project.
Okhaldhunga Hospital
Pray for the waste management plan for the hospital.
Pray for the needed wisdom for the IT officers who work hard to make sure the hospital has a smooth network and function of the software
Pray for the wisdom and needed strength for the nursing students who are writing their final exam.