Prayer Priorities – February 28, 2023
Prayer Priorities – February 28, 2023

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”
Hebrews 3:4

We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.


  1. Praise God for the little rain that we enjoyed over the last two days.Praise God for the commitment and passion of the staff to serve in both the UMN hospitals and communities.
  2. Praise the Lord that UMN will be completing its 69th year of tireless service in Nepal on 5 March. Praise God for His faithfulness, for all the donors, partners and staff who served in UMN in different time frames and for all the provisions for UMN and its work thus far.
  3. We are grateful to Dr Santhosh, Yub Raj, Okhaldhunga and Tansen Hospital Teams for the preliminary workshop on the Hospital Strategic Planning process. It was a very good workshop facilitated by Dr Santhosh.
  4. The Board Nominations process has been progressing well.
  5. Praise God that new doctors are joining Okhaldhunga Community Hospital.
  6. Praise God that a one-day case story writing and photo-taking training for all the partner staff and cluster staff of Nawalparasi Cluster went well.
  7. Praise God for the successful visit of Bishal and Ramnath to Nawalparasi Cluster. Meetings with cluster teams, and partner organisations and visits to different projects went well.
  8. Praise God for successful completion of the cluster operational plan for 2023.
  9. Give thanks to God for the successful evaluation of the partnership with one of the implementing partners in Kapilvastu by Avinaya and Parsu Ram, representing the MEAL team from Thapathali.
  10. Thank God for a meaningful visit by Shashi Ghalan, Tearfund UK, on 22 and 23 February in the implementation areas of Transforming Family & Community Relationships Project in Kapilvastu. She was accompanied by Radha and Kapilvastu’s ID focal person, Tara.
  11. Thank God for successful brief introductory visit of new education thematic lead, Gayatri Timsina, in Kapilvastu, together with Prem Singh Shintan.
  12. Praise God for the joint agreement between UMN, its partner, Thalara Rural Municipality (RM) the local government and the Entrepreneurship Unit of the RM to provide mason training for earthquake resistant building construction to 45 masons in Thalara RM
  13. Give thanks to God for the successful submission of a project proposal to USAID on Dalit Rights for Bajhang and Kapilvastu clusters last week.
  14. Thank God for the successful completion of a one-day Mental Health camp organised by our implementing partner, Dalit Social Development Center in cooperation with Mayadevi and Yashodhara Rural Municipalities where 281 people received mental health support from two psychiatrists. Also, praise God for successfully completing a three-day refresher training on mental health module 2 to health workers in Kapilvastu.
  15. Thanks to God for effective orientation to enumerators for conducting baseline survey of the second phase of the SECURE project in Kapilvastu. The trainees are now collecting baseline data in the fields.
  16. Praise God for the fruitful and safe travel of Shiva, Suraj and Krishna to Pelma for Education materials support to Himalaya Basic School, Putha Uttarganga, Rukum East.
  17. We give thanks for all the successful events all through the week.
  18. Praise God for His safety and security while UMN staff travelled in and out of clusters last week.


  1. Please pray for the smooth transition of staff, remembering new staff who are taking over the roles.
  2. Continue to pray for the political leaders and the upcoming Presidential Election on 9 March, may they all rise for the benefit of nation and its people. It has been a very unstable coalition government.
  3. Remember all UMN staff for safety and security as they constantly travel to and from clusters for work. Pray also for Shrina who is going to India for a workshop this week: Regional Consultation on Leadership & Accountability in Continuum. May this be a learning, sharing and growing time.
  4. Please pray for the success of the Engage Disability National Conference-2023 organised by National Christian Disability Network this week. UMN and many other Christian organisations are joining hands for the success of the event.
  5. Also pray for donor audits that are happening this week.
  6. UMN, as per its strategy, is expanding its work in two new clusters in Madhesh and Karnali Provinces. Please pray that God will provide the needed resources for the timely start up and continuation of the work in these new clusters.
  7. Let’s continue to pray for Turkey and Syria. Pray for the bereaved families and the people affected by the devastating earthquake and also for the response work.
  8. Please continue to uphold us for expat visa issue, may this be resolved on time with a smooth process. There are also lots of vacant positions for expats, may these be filled on time. It has impacted on our operational works and morale. Please pray for a successful recruitment process.
  9. Continue to pray for UMN’s local partners in all clusters for effective performance, may they serve with integrity.
  10. Please continue to pray for Rabbi for successful treatment and complete healing.
  11. Continue to pray for the resolution of the long-standing property dispute at UMN’s Thapathali headquarters.

Cluster Work

  1. For Nawalparasi, please pray for:– Successful completion of the Partnership Evaluation of an implementing partner organisation Sunwal Community Development Center. Pray for a smooth evaluation process with the partner organisation and community group members. – Successful completion of a bi-monthly meeting between the UMN Nawalparasi Cluster and partner organisation Indreni.
  2. For Kapilvastu, please pray for – The successful and meaningful visit of PPT Leader, Bishal from 27 Feb to 3 March. Please pray for his wisdom and diligence for supporting cluster colleagues.– For Ram Nath and Melsan for their endeavour to enlighten the Kapilvastu Cluster colleagues, one school and Yashodhara Rural Municipality Level Disaster Management Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction.
  3. For Bajhang, please pray for:– The upcoming donor’s visit to observe Creating Opportunities for Social and Economic Well-being of Migrants and Disaster Risk Management projects in Thalara.– The mason training from 28 Feb to 5 March to impart knowledge and skill on earthquake resistant construction technology to 45 local masons in Thalara.– The rupantarn (Transformation) training to selected teachers and school management committee members of Thalara that will take place this weekend.– Construction of 260-meter-long gabion wall by women groups in Bungal on the Kalanga riverbank, in order to protect the agricultural land and a community of around 100 households.
  4. For Mugu, please pray for final evaluation of the DREAM project and for donor visits of FELM and Tearfund Australia in the first and second weeks of March 2023 respectively.
  5. For Doti please pray for:– A report writing workshop which started from 27th February and will end on 3rd March. – The risk of wild forest fire is high. May God provide his wisdom to the people so that they do not cause a big problem.– Smooth implementation of the various projects monitored and managed by the cluster team.
  6. For Rukum East please pray for: – A fruitful visit to Putha Uttarganga for project monitoring by Suraj and Niki from UMN and Hasta from Tearfund; – Successful completion of Sangsangai Facilitators’ fourth training from Sustainable Environment and Economic Development project facilitated by Jiwan; – Successful assessment of Children with Disability by Prem Devkota.

Tansen Hospital

  1. Please pray for the doctors: for our junior doctors as they learn, that they will develop good skills and attitudes and have compassion and energy to do their jobs well;  for our senior doctors for wisdom as they plan care for our sometimes-critical ill patients.
  2. Pray for our relationship with the National Health Insurance Board, and our local Member of Parliament as we are under pressure to change the way we are running this system, which risks putting financial pressure on the hospital.
  3. Please continue to pray for the necessary permissions for the use of forestry land for the wastewater project.

Okhaldhunga Hospital

  1. Pray for the wisdom for interview panel members as they select a new community health department in-charge next week.
  2. Pray for some of our staff who have resigned to go for higher studies and some to be with families.
  3. Pray for the safety for our staff as some of us will be travelling this week and the next.
  4. Pray for the process of getting permission to run the Health Assistant course from our school of Health Sciences. There will be at least two meetings in this regard in the next two weeks.
  5. Pray for encouragement for all our staff who serve in social service department.

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