“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.â€
Romans 8:28
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Two days of training on financial responsibility in Nawalparasi for all the staff and some of the board members of our partner organisation INDRENI went well. Praise God for that.
Let us all unite our hearts and praise God for the wonderful sun that we enjoy every morning and for the warm clothes that we have.
Give thanks for a successful material distribution programme for earthquake-affected families in Doti earlier this week. The cluster team provided warm blankets to disaster-affected families of Purbichauki Rural Municipality.
UMN’s Peace and Protection Team is hosting a South Asia Peace Convention this week, please pray that this will be valuable culmination event of the Peace March across South Asia, consolidating the learnings by strengthening relationships and solidarity among the peace activists in South Asia for sustainable peacebuilding.
Please continue to pray for the landslide-affected communities in Mugu and earthquake-affected communities in Bajhang who are still awaiting relief, which was delayed by the election. Pray for the UMN teams who are preparing for relief and recovery support to them. May these works be completed smoothly and soon.
Please pray for Integral Development team members’ travels and workshops. Jiwan Rai is in Mugu this week for Sangsangai training and Radha in Doti for Transforming Masculinities orientation to church leaders in Doti.
Continue to pray for the new clusters exploration in Madhesh and Karnali Provinces. Two teams are formed to visit respective provinces to carry out needed studies. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.
Please continue to pray for the best resolution of UMN’s Thapathali property issue.
Please continue to remember Rabbi from ITS team who has been treated for cancer over many months – sadly, his recent investigation report is not good and he needs to visit India for further consultation and treatment.
Cluster Work
During the 16 days campaign against gender-based violence (25 November to 10 December), please pray for the community group members and partner organisations who are conducting various awareness-raising programs in all of UMN’s six cluster districts.
Please pray for the successful completion and active involvement of the participants who will be involved in the three-day Participatory Action and Reflection workshop for gender equality in Nawalparasi. Also pray for the successful completion of three days of training for the 15 enumerators who will be involved in a household survey of disability in two working areas of the Nawalparasi Cluster.
Please pray for the fruitful Disaster Risk Reduction Orientation to partner organisations in Doti where Ram Nath is facilitating the event. Similarly, pray for the effective workshop on Fighting Fraud and Financial Health-Check of partner organisations in Doti, where Gokarna and Shrina are facilitating the events.
Tansen Hospital
Please continue to pray for the land use approvals for the wastewater project.
Pray for the Consultant General Practitioner trainee doctors who are posted here as part of their GP training, that they will develop good skills and learn to be caring doctors.
Pray also for our Skilled Birth Assessment Training course for government midwives and Anaesthesia Assistant course trainees who will work in more remote settings when they finish their training.
Okhaldhunga Hospital
Pray for an Orthopaedic surgeon who has recently started to work at Okhaldhunga Community Hospital and wisdom as we plan to recruit a Physiotherapist for the hospital.