“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity.â€
Psalm 133:1 (NRSVUE)
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
We are very grateful that the Nepal-Norway NGO Conference (2-3 Nov 2022) went very well, where Nepali Partners of Norway shared their field experiences and various speakers shared their thoughts on resilience and inclusion, climate change and its impact, gender and disability-related issues in the plenary sessions, followed by a visit to the International Centre For Integrated Mountain Development. It was very fruitful.
Thank you for praying for some of our sick staff, who have now recovered well, and Rabbi is still recovering from liver surgery – please continue to pray for complete recovery.
We are also grateful that the majority of the visa processing for hospitals have been completed for this year and will be starting a new process for others.
Praise the Lord that Sangasangai Training of Trainers for facilitators and focal persons from all UMN cluster from 31st Oct to 4th Nov 2022 organised by Integral Development Team was well received. Twenty trainers were trained on facilitating Integral Mission sessions for the Sangasangai process.
An animal (sheep) health camp was successfully completed under the UpLIFT project in Rukum East in which Suraj Sonar, representatives from our partner organisation and local government participated.
An exposure visit of a community group from Rukum East including local leaders and faith healers under the Pro-Act project went well in Dang which was coordinated with Women’s Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) Nepal and community groups to learn interventions and achievements on Ending Domestic Violence.
Okhaldhunga Community Hospital give praise to God for safety for many staff who travelled to and from Kathmandu last week, for God’s healing hands over the sick patients and for a volunteer who is painting our hospital building.
Please pray for Andrea Young as she and her family mourns for the loss of her dear father in the UK. Andrew and Andrea are traveling back to the UK as soon as possible for the arrangement of funeral and so on. Please pray for comfort and strength as they grieve and also for their safe travel.
Please pray for the upcoming Board meeting on 13-14 November. The Board members are travelling to attend the meeting. Pray for their safe travel and good health.
Please remember Caroline Trimble, UMN’s Board member in your prayers as she has not been able to travel due to a health issue. Please pray for healing.
Please remember Nawalparasi West and Kapilvastu teams as they participate in the Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Training facilitated by the MEAL team this week.
Please continue to remember the national elections coming up on 20 November. Pray for a peaceful election with fair and effective leaders to be chosen.
Also please continue to pray for the resolution of the long-standing Property dispute for the Thapathali headquarters, and other legal issues.
Clusters have been preparing for the District Project Advisory meetings and Social Audits. Please remember them as they coordinate with the local government and facilitate the Social Audits.
Cluster Work
Please pray for the successful training on ‘Gender and Development’ for men’s group members from Bogtan Fudsil in Doti Cluster; Cheli and Surendra are facilitating the training.
Please pray for the effective financial monitoring of partner organisations in Doti Cluster as Khadak, Khem and Sipora will be engaged in the visits.
Pray for Doti cluster and Integral Development Team (Ramesh, Sipora, Khadak, Rajendra and Jiwan) as they are organising an Integral Mission conference in Dadeldhura from 10-11 Nov for church leaders from Doti and Bajhang.
Pray for finalisation of two education projects in Rukum East: ABLE Project’s second phase and the School Education Enhancement project.
Pray for District Project Advisory Committee meeting in Rukum East Cluster to be held on 11 November 2022.
Pray for value chain assessment of sheep-based products that is going to be conducted under the UpLIFT project where Suraj Sonar will get involved.
Pray for safe travel and events of Prem, Suresh, Krishna, Arun, Bhagirath and Martin as they are traveling to Rukum East Cluster to conduct activity under the Area of Excellence of Education and report-writing training with the whole cluster team including partner staff and project coordinators.
Tansen Hospital
Continued prayers for the final preparations for the waste-water system project to start are still needed.
Please pray for two of our supporting departments, housekeeping and laundry, and the Central Sterile Supply Department as they work hard to keep the hospital clean and provide sterile supplies. This is not glamorous work but as important for infection prevention as any of our clinical care. Pray for blessing and protection for all these staff as they go about their daily work.
Okhaldhunga Community Hospital
Pray for all the staff working in the cash office and registration office.
Pray for wisdom for all the Internal Management Committee members as we meet and make decisions on Thursday.