Weekly Prayer
Weekly Prayer

Please pray for

  • Wisdom, knowledge and integrity for new programme for FY 2014/15 with partners and its implementations.
  • Wisdom and guidance to all the Admin-Finance office throughout the clusters and Finance team as they work on the end of finance year activities.
  • Sabu’s nephew Erasmus for his recovery as he fell down from the gate wall on last Sunday. He had a serious injury in his head and had been admitted to Chitwan Medical College.
  • Continue to pray for Ramprasad’s son Ishan Paudel, whose right hand was broken down for his recovery and healing.
  • Margaret McIlhenny passed away on Wednesday 16th July after a long illness. Mcllhennys were the founders of KISC in 1987 having earlier worked through UMN in the PN Campus in Pokhara for a number of years. They are close friends of Ann and David McConkey.
  • Bill Gould died on Sunday July 13th after several years of declining health. He served UMN faithfully for many years in Tansen before returning to the UK but returned later as the UMN Health Service Director and was in Nepal with his wife Margaret for a further five years.
  • Continue to pray for Miriam Krantz as she recovers from bypass surgery at Norvic Hospital.
  • Safety and protection of staff as they travel to and from cluster and other places.
  • Wisdom and guidance for all planned works and activities.

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