Weekly Prayer
Weekly Prayer

Please Pray for

  • Karna B. Nepali and his family as his father passed away last week.
  • Ramesh Thing and his wife injured in a motorcycle accident on the way of Daune, Nawalparashi on Wednesday last week.
  • Deepak Thapa’s wife who had an accident and injured her arm.
  • Staff traveling to and from clusters and other places.
  • Communications Team as they work on UMN DVD. They are planning the cluster visit for this so please pray that all the planning and preparations go well.
  • All those who are involved in next year’s planning.
  • Leadership Team Meeting preparation which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
  • Pray for 2 partners in Doti who are starting a new project in Integrated Sustainable Livelihood for 3 years. Pray that God will give integrity, wisdom, knowledge and strength to implement this project
  • Continue to pray for Ben and Shaha as they work on ‘Christian Commitment for a new Nepal’ programme.

group of Christian development NGOs has begun working with leaders from
Nepal Christian Society and National Christian Fellowship Nepal to
support local churches and national Christian leaders as they speak out
on issues of justice. We aim to involve all church networks and hundreds
of local churches to draft and publicise a Christian Commitment in Building the New Nepal, which will commit Christians to working for justice and peace, and call on leaders to do the same.

pray for unity of vision among Christian leaders and churches, the
movement of the Spirit among Christians to share God’s concern for
justice, and a powerful Christian witness to Nepal’s social and
political leaders.

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