One of the encouraging aspects of the earthquake response in Nepal has been the way many local businesses have contributed. Some have given goods; some have allowed staff time off to be involved in earthquake relief activities; many have donated funds. UMN is very grateful to Nepal Tipper and Truck Entrepreneur Association, Kalanki, who provided trucks to help our distribution effort in Dhading.
Another organisation that really pulls its weight is Yeti Airlines. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, UMN has benefited from this for a number of years now. Yeti gives NRP 4 per flight to four social service organisations, including UMN. Recently, Communications Director Lyn Jackson received a cheque for NRP 373,016 (USD 3653) on behalf of UMN. Yeti provides very generous discounts to UMN on flights for staff travelling to remote locations.
Yeti has also donated NRP 4,000,000 to the earthquake response (not through UMN), and has been assisting with transporting relief materials and earthquake victims.
UMN is pleased to be associated with such a service-oriented organisation.