In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, UMN invites all people of prayer to set aside time daily to ask for God’s help in our work in Nepal. The time suggested for UMN staff is 3.00 pm. For our friends around the world, we ask that you join us either at the equivalent time in your country of 3 pm Nepal time, or whenever you are able. Many have found setting a daily alarm on their phone a useful reminder.
Thank you for your fellowship in prayer.
Joel Hafvenstein
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
(2 Chronicles 7v14)
We encourage everyone who is praying for UMN not only to raise our requests but to listen to God on UMN’s behalf. Please take time to read this Bible verse slowly to yourself. Pause and ask God to speak through His Word. Then read it slowly again. Settle and calm your mind before you pray.
Major Matters for Prayer
Nepal is beginning to benefit from the import of COVAX-procured vaccines. This is an attempt to ensure equitable supply of Covid-19 vaccine globally. Pray for the distribution and administration of these vaccines to those most in need. The Government has recently permitted private companies to engage in offering vaccines which people must pay for. So far only a small proportion of the population has been covered. Pray that the poorest will not be overlooked.
Currently the infection level in Nepal is quite low and life seems almost normal – however the concern of many is that lack of caution will result in a further wave of infection. Pray especially for UMN staff who want freedom to move around and work but must also be careful in setting an example of caution and risk management.
Pray for families all over Nepal whose safety and livelihood can be removed by lifechanging events like accident and illness. Pray for the work UMN is doing with such families all over the country. For a specific example please see –
Remember our six Cluster Team Leaders in all their responsibilities. These are Sabu (Nawalparasi), Rup (Kapilbastu), Bishal (Doti), Tejindra (Mugu), Jyoti (Bajhang), and Ramesh (Rukum East). To learn more of the huge range of activities going on in our clusters please see the 2019-20 Annual Report.
Nawalparasi Cluster- Pray for the Projects Agreements which staff are working on it and for the effective Food Security Project design from 12 to 20 March 2021.